Saturday, September 21, 2013

Advice for Cleaning a Bathroom

Advice for Cleaning a Bathroom

By Clifford Woods

Advice for Cleaning a Bathroom
Of all the rooms in your home, the bathroom is probably the location with the most germs. As the location where we clean ourselves and complete our basic needs, the bathroom has humidity that can bring on the growth of mold and mildew as well as the growth of unwanted pests, primarily cockroaches. It is sort of well-known that the bathroom is the place that usually goes unclean and disorganized; a place that is share by everyone tends to be less well looked after.

Washing the toilet is one of the major household tasks that you need to do to keep the home free of germs. Most people detest doing this task since it is considered gross, and for the people doing it, they usually want to complete it as quickly as possible. As unpleasant as it may end up being, it is far from difficult. The toilet, in spite of its gadgets, is just a simple device that needs standard thorough washing.

Cleaning the bathroom on a regular basis properly puts a stop to the spread of viruses and bacteria. It does not take much time and energy to do the job well. Listed below are a few simple suggestions to help you to get started on the necessary cleaning.

Gather your cleaning tools
Before you start cleaning; you need to get the tools for the job. The list of things you will need include a set of rubber gloves, scrubbers, spray bottles, dry cloth, and cleaning solutions, organic cleaners preferably. If you do not have any bathroom-specific cleaning solutions, you can use normal household cleaners or natural ingredients such as lemon juice, baking soda and vinegar.

Remove unneeded things from the bathroom
If you bathroom is messy, you should remove all the unneeded or unnecessary things that might be in there. There might be a few magazines that you brought in to read when carrying out your ‘business’, a few knickknacks in the medicine container, along with other misplaced things such as hangers and hampers. These will make cleaning unnecessarily complicated, so get rid of excessive things from the bathroom.

Begin cleaning
Apply the cleaning remedies to places with spots or on places that needs extensive washing such as the toilet bowl, sink, door handles, floors, and walls. Start washing at the toilet bowl. Apply cleaner inside the bowl by beginning at the top edge to cover all spots underneath the top of the bowl. Let them soak for a couple of moments, and then you can begin scrubbing and brushing. Brush completely over stains and grime.

You can also put on a heavy paste of baking soda and lemon on tough spots. After a couple of minutes, flush the toilet. After that you can add a bit of disinfectant to eliminate any remaining bacteria. Do not forget to clean the outside of the toilet bowl too.

To wash the sink, apply cleaning solutions just before scrubbing. When there are tough stains, use baking soda and lemon juice. Scrub until the stain is no longer there. For the sink and door handles, spray a blended solution of vinegar and water onto them, then clean with a dry cloth. Repeat several times. The walls and the floors will likely require intense scrubbing as well since they are common places for tough mold, mildew, and stain accumulation. You should use cleaners as necessary to remove them and scrub them the best you can.

Clean on a regular basis
It is best to clean the bathroom on a regular basis to prevent unsightly stains, mold, or mildew from getting difficult to clean. Regular in this case probably means every day as the bathroom is used every day and should be cleaned daily so it is kept clean and germ free.

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clifford woods
Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Natural Organic Solutions.