Monday, August 26, 2013

Algae: The Leading Cause of Fish Deaths in Ponds

Algae: The Leading Cause of Fish Deaths in Ponds

By Clifford Woods

Fish pond algae are really a general name which represents all of the various types of algae, normally present in ponds. A few varieties of algae can actually be beneficial to the overall health of the pond while others types can be viewed as a real annoyance.

You will need to prevent as many algae blooms as you can in order to keep your fish and visual appealing pond vegetation alive. 

Algae: The Leading Cause of Fish Deaths in PondsThe most prevalent type is the floating green algae, like chlorella, euglena, and chlamydomonas varieties. They grow and reproduce quickly through cell division or spores.

Filamentous algae, also known as string algae, appear to be lengthy green noodles and have a hair-like visual aspect to them. The looks are a result of a combination of cells joined up end to end. Horse hair algae and blanket weed types like spirogyra, oedogonium, and cladophora are quite prevalent.

The Factors That Lead to Pond Algae Growth: The main three variables that enables pond algae to produce consists of: hot temperatures, vitamin abundant pond water, and crystal clear pond water that permits sunshine to pass through. A rise in temperatures speeds up both blanket weed and suspended green algae advancement.

How Various Algae Varieties Affect the Overall Health of the Fish Pond: Floating plank-tonic algae distribute at a speedy pace and can only be managed by ultraviolet illumination from a UV sterilizer. The UV spectrum splits the cell surfaces, resulting in the algae to collect together which in turn allows filters to easily remove the algae from the pond. A substantial amount of floating green algae can produce what is known as algae blooms. They could be devastating to pond fish as the blooms will at some point deprive the pond of oxygen thus killing off all underwater plants and fish life.

Why Too Much Algae is Harmful for Garden Ponds: Algae does not just make the pond seem unpleasant and overgrown, but in more severe situations, can actually cause the pond to smell foul. The rotting process of algae eats up oxygen from the pond water. This is especially harmful to the oxidizing bacteria and pond fish population, which both need oxygen to thrive.

Keep in mind that ammonia must be changed into nitrites by the oxidizing microorganisms. The oxidation procedure calls for vast volumes of oxygen to be able to take place. The rise in ammonia, which is additionally created by decaying algae matter, puts even more stress on the pond filtration system that houses the nitrifying bacteria.

Algae: The Leading Cause of Fish Deaths in Ponds
How to Control Algae in Your Fish Pond: By far the most effective way of handling suspended plank-tonic algae is to make use of a UV clarifier or UV sterilizer. The ultraviolet spectrum eliminates the single-celled algae, resulting in it expiring and sticking to other deceased algal cells. Make an effort to cover a minimum of one third the surface area of the fish pond with plants, since they contend with algae cells for the accessible vitamins in the pond water.

Conduct regular cleaning by getting rid of string algae and blanket weed by using a garden rake. Not all algae are bad for a fish pond however. In fact, algae can be quite helpful to the pond because it supplies a way to obtain food for fish, presents shade from the sizzling sun, and offers as a shelter from king fishers, heron, along with various other birds.

It really is alright to have a bit of algae on pond surfaces, filtration systems, as well as other pond maintenance gear. The key is to keep it in check with a probiotics solution such as an organic algaecide created with beneficial microorganisms
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Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology
Find out more about our Natural Products
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Natural Organic Solutions

8 Ways to Clean a Bathroom Using Baking Soda

8 Ways to Clean a Bathroom Using Baking Soda

By Clifford Woods

The restroom is a place where all of your cleaning is likely to be focused on managing bacteria. If the primary cleaning tools you use contain loads of chemical-based cleaners, then you may want to reconsider using such products.

Cleaning and disinfecting an area requires you to eliminate the bacteria living on it. The issue is that most of the solutions that remove dangerous germs tend to be dangerous. Of course you would like to make sure your restrooms are totally free of bacteria since many of them may cause health problems.

To deal with bacteria without chemicals, you will have to look into organic solutions. It is very likely that you already own such a solution without even realizing it. Baking soda is an ingredient that can be used to wipe down every surface in your bathroom. It cleans just as well as chemical-based products and is one hundred percent risk free. Below are the top eight areas where baking soda can be used in the restroom:

Shower Curtains Thoroughly clean your shower curtains by scattering baking soda over a sponge and scrubbing hard. Rinse off well. If there is a mold stain on the shower curtain, it can be handled with by quickly rubbing in a water and baking soda paste. If your shower curtain is in really bad condition, take it off and throw it in the washer on the cold cycle, putting only baking soda and vinegar as the detergent.

Counter-tops Scrub marble areas with a composite made from white vinegar and baking soda. Wipe thoroughly clean and then polish.

Floors Wash a bathroom floor with of half a cup of baking soda to a container of warm water. Mop the tiles using this remedy and rinse off. Incorporating lemon or lime juice into the rinsing water can give it a nice refreshing smell.

Grout Work with a baking soda and water paste to get rid of mildew spots on the grout all around your bathtub or shower. Put on the paste and wash it away with a brush until the spot is completely gone. Make sure to rinse the area thoroughly.

Toilets Once per week, you need to pour about a half cup white vinegar right into the toilets of your home and allow it to sit for thirty minutes. After that, put some baking soda on the toilet bowl brush and clean off any leftover tarnished areas. When done, flush.

Trash Cans Scatter baking soda into your bathroom's trash can right after you empty it. This will assist with eliminating potential odor.

Drains Just like your kitchen drain, you need to take care of your bathroom and shower drains as well. Once weekly, raise the drain cover in the bathtub or shower and use a cotton swab to get rid of the hair which has built up there. Then dump a half cup of baking soda accompanied by one cup of vinegar down the drain. Allow this solution to sit for twenty minutes and then rinse the drain with scorching hot water.

Showers and Tubs If the bathtub or shower is made of fiberglass, wash it simply by spreading a blend of dish washing liquid and baking soda on it and scrubbing with a sponge. Additionally, the exact same mix will help get rid of hard water and rust spots on porcelain tiles. Spraying the edges of your shower and tub with white vinegar can release accumulated soap residue.

In addition to baking soda and the natural ingredients mentioned above, an all purpose natural cleaner with beneficial microorganisms will also help in the cleaning your bathroom. 
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Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology
Find out more about our Natural Products
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Natural Organic Solutions

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Algae Management in Freshwater Aquariums

Algae Management in Freshwater Aquariums

By Clifford Woods

An aquarium tank can be quite the exceptional addition to a home or workplace. There isn't anything more relaxing than viewing fish swimming in harmony through the clear, dazzling tropical water. On the other hand, there is practically nothing more unpleasant than an aquarium tank abundant with algae.

Below are a handful of concerns and tips to assist with algae management.

Just about all fish displays contain algae. A small bit of it is not necessarily harmful, however if it isn't controlled algae can multiply quickly and take control of your freshwater tank which is extremely troublesome to clean, not to mention unhealthy for the fish.

Green algae are normal for most freshwater tank owners. The two main varieties, green dot and hair, can be time intensive in addition to difficult to eliminate from the aquarium. These algae grow quickly in fish tanks that get an excess of sunshine.
The darker types of algae, such as black brush, generally grow soon after the initial set-up of the tank.

The algae development in fish tanks that have already been set up for a longer period of time may be related to problems with the level of phosphate or nitrate in the water. 

The growth of these algae may also linked to excessive amounts of light. In order to eliminate it from the fish tank, in most cases you have to clean the entire tank extensively, decrease light exposure, and also make certain that the water condition is at a suitable temperature.

article by clifford woods

Blue-green algae and red brush are two additional varieties of algae that may develop in a fish tank. The red brush variety generally has a tendency to form in fish tanks having higher pH levels.

Blue-green algae are a slimier type which can be dangerous to both vegetation and fish in the tank.

One of the better processes to inhibit the development of numerous algae would be to manage lighting. For algae management, never place fish tanks close to windows and be sure to reduce the lighting to eight hours on a daily basis. Employing a lighting timer is a fantastic way to supply your fish tank with suitable quantities of light.

Much like your fish, algae have to consume to live. Algae develop best through taking in phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. You have the capability to significantly enhance algae management in freshwater fish tanks by making certain that your tank is not overwhelmed by fish waste products, excessive food, or rotting vegetation. Additionally, perform water adjustments regularly and use a properly measured filtration system. Incorporating algae consuming agents to your aquarium would be a good option. Snails and algae-eating species of fish are able to assist in the management of algae within the tank.

You should be aware that snails can populate remarkably quickly, however with proper control including a snail and an algae-consuming species to a fish tank could very well be an excellent idea. Take note that when all of the algae are consumed, you are going to have to feed these fish with store-bought food.

It is not unusual for algae to start to re-populate within a clean fish tank during a time span of just three weeks. For regular algae regulation, be mindful with regards to overfeeding your fish, promptly remove any dead fish from the tank, be aware of the amount of light that the aquarium receives, and also use some type of filtering method. Additionally, remove any obvious algae with a scrubber designed for this sort of cleanup.

A really simple way to eradicate algae from a freshwater fish tank would be to apply a probiotic algaecide. This type of solution is perfectly safe for your fish and actually benefits the water in numerous ways due to the beneficial microorganisms contained with the product.

"How to Care for Aquarium Fish"; Animal Planet
"Aquarium Water Care"; PetSmart
"Pond Magician"; Effective Environmental Services
"Pond Maintenance 101"; Awesome Library
"Pond Care"; Planet Natural
"Ponding 101"; 123Ponds
"Seasonal Pond Maintenance Checklist"; Doctors Foster and Smith

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology.We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and offer Natural Organic Solutions.

5 Key Factors for Green Pond Water

5 Key Factors for Green Pond Water

By Clifford Woods

Algae overgrowth can have disastrous consequences on the well-being of our ponds. Below are five factors that contribute the algae development and how it can be stopped.

#1: Excessive Fish
If this sounds like your situation, then immediately limit the volume of fish or add to the size of your organic filtration system. Keep in mind that fish grow in size and in quantity, therefore the scale your organic purification system which you believed might be the right size in the beginning, may not be the proper size for your pond now.

#2: Seasonal Changes
It is the start of the springtime or the later part of the fall when the pond encounters its largest change in the temperature of the water and biological bacteria development. If this is the situation, try to be calm and give your pond a few additional weeks. 

Every single pond takes around four to six weeks in the beginning of the season to discover its new environmental equilibrium. When this occurs, the pond water will likely be green in appearance. In fact, you can count on it. At any time you increase the water level of your pond during the year, your pond is likely to turn green as well. 

Simply add the most appropriate beneficial microorganism’s solution to provide your pond with good aeration and stay patient. Bear in mind, it will require several weeks, not just a couple of days. Never persistently drain and refill your pond because you will be consistently altering its ecological stability that it's striving to achieve – so give it a hand, be patient.

#3: Accumulation of Organic Matter
For those ponds that have more organic substances, like dead leaves, fish wastes, muck, sludge, and so forth, in them than the amount of beneficial microorganisms in your filtration system where beneficial microorganisms reside and flourish, you may either have to add to the size of your organic filter or increase the total quantity of beneficial microorganisms in your pond.
You can do this by one of two ways; basically increase the size of your filter of add more beneficial microorganism to your pond. You need to be incorporating beneficial microorganisms on a regular basis into your pond in any case.

#4: Too Much Water
Remain calm with your pond as it sets up its new environmental equilibrium. This often completes in about four to six weeks following the previous time you have added extra water. Whenever you add more water, you cause a difference in the pond which causes new algae to prosper and green water to occur. Simply have patience and increase the amount of beneficial microorganisms you add to your pond.

#5: Other Factors That Could Be Causing Algae and Killing the Beneficial Microorganisms in Your Pond
If you are introducing fresh water into your pond on a regular basis; quit doing so now. Allow the pond to find its new environmental stability. In the case that you are including beneficial microorganisms to it, but not disabling your UV clarifier or UV sterilizer, then make sure to turn it off no less than three to four days just prior to when you added the bacteria to ensure that the microorganisms have had an opportunity to attach themselves to the surface area within your pond or organic filter.

A few chemical compounds put into the pond can also be the reason for precisely what is wiping out your beneficial microorganisms. If that's the case, invest in an organic algaecide that contains beneficial microorganisms. You'll be killing two birds with one stone with such a solution as you will be eliminating algae as well as replenishing your pond with bacteria that will improve the pond's overall health.
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Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology.
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and offer Natural Organic Solutions.
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"Pond Magician"; Effective Environmental Services
"Pond Maintenance 101"; Awesome Library
"Pond Care"; Planet Natural
"Ponding 101"; 123Ponds
"Seasonal Pond Maintenance Checklist"; Doctors Foster and Smith

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Importance of Acidophilus for Our Body

The Importance of Acidophilus for Our Body

By Clifford Woods

In the modern day's challenging times, becoming unwell is just about the last thing which any individual would like to end up getting. You will find that there are dietary supplements, nutritional vitamins, along with other items that may help us to remain in good physical shape immune from illness. More and more people are starting to become considerably more conscious of the advantages that these particular supplements provide the human body with.

Have you ever heard of the term acidophilus? Have you any idea just what that is? To many individuals, that particular word does not even exist. However, you have to know that it can be good for your body, precisely our digestive system. Acidophilus is a substance that will help sustain intestinal tract health and acts as a all-natural conventional drug. Acidophilus is also a supplement that preserves the typical equilibrium of good microorganisms within the digestive tract.
It is usually combined with soft drinks or milk, plus it will come by means of tablets, pills, or powder to help aid in the digestive process. Acidophilus includes a number of good microorganisms such as bifidobacterium bifidus, lactobacillus casei, streptococcus thermophilus, lactobacillus bulgaricus, and lactobacillus acidophilus.
The intestinal system includes more than four hundred different varieties of microorganisms. Your body requires good microorganisms in order to produce B vitamins, lactase, and antibacterial substances.

Our digestive system keeps equilibrium of good and undesirable bacteria. The micro flora is a healthy bacteria that are located in the intestinal tract. As individuals get older, the percentage of good micro flora diminishes, and for that reason it cannot efficiently guard us from specific illnesses. This is why we require considerably more acidophilus.
Probiotic: is the supplementation kind of micro flora, and for several years, it had been utilized to boost the quantity of good microorganisms in order to avoid as well as deal with health issues. Probiotics functions by generating hydrogen peroxide and a natural acid solution, by means of space exemption. Spatial exemption means that probiotics crowd out additional microorganisms, while they contend with undesirable germs for vitamins and minerals required for development. If the micro flora’s stability is disrupted, and malfunction takes place, probiotics can be utilized.

Acidophilus is needed to take care of different varieties of illnesses and enhance our bodies.
It can be used for the following reasons:
  • Can be useful for the production of immune system cells to combat viral attacks
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome; acidophilus alleviates bloating, diarrhea, and cramping pains
  • Battles genital yeast infection; acidophilus can overcome the overgrowth of Candida fungus
  • Increases hypersensitivity amongst babies experiencing food allergic reactions
  • Minimizes urinary tract disease
  • Decreases unwanted gas; the gas makers present in the large intestines are minimized or prevented from spreading.
  • Fights Halitosis
  • Improves health problems such as most cancers, heart problems, diverticulitis, diverticulitis, constipation, digestive tract cancer, Crohn’s disease, acid reflux, abdomen ulcers, yeast infection, ulcerative, and colitis.
Individuals consuming acidophilus have extremely unusual allegations with regards to hypersensitive reactions such as trouble with respiration, inflammation of mouth area, or hives. In the event you happen to show any unwanted effects, you need to seek advice from your physician right away. If you're using acidophilus, you might experience a rise in gassiness for a couple of days. This often occurs since the intestinal tract has to adapt with the microbial transfer.
Expecting mothers should never consume acidophilus.
Reports have verified that acidophilus is made up of microorganisms that have a shared connection with the abdomen. These microorganisms are great for breakdown of food substances in addition to suppressing the expansion of harmful bacteria. Individuals with digestive or bacterial issues will find acidophilus to be rather helpful. With all the uses of acidophilus, the need for this kind of useful solution will certainly increase.


Author: Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and
Organic Environmental Technology.
See our full Organic Product Line.
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and offer Naturally Organic Products.

Not All Microorganisms are Bad for the Human Body

Not All Microorganisms are Bad for the Human Body

By Clifford Woods

Our bodies are a host to numerous microorganisms, which are helpful, and occasionally required for individual well-being, known as commensal microorganisms. These types of beneficial bacteria tend to be disregarded because of the unwanted effects related to various other microbial varieties, along with the issues related to their overgrowth. An ordinary healthy individual has microorganisms residing in their intestinal tract, on the pores and skin, as well as in their food, which they consume.

A variety of microbial varieties reside on or within human beings, participating in functions that are beneficial to the performance of the body's systems. On the other hand, these kinds of microorganisms need to be maintained in order to stay away from contamination. However, they also have to be maintained in order to avoid non-beneficial microorganisms from seizing residence.

Intestinal Tract Bacteria: One of the most popular microorganisms in the intestinal tract is Lactobacillus acidophilus, which helps with the digestion of lactose, the break down of vitamins, conversion process of soluble fiber, reusing of proteins, and release of harmful toxins. The byproducts of acidophilus digestive functions produce an acidic atmosphere, which often keeps out far more harmful microorganisms like fungus and harmful bacteria.

An additional comparable microorganism is Streptococcus mutans. This particular bacterium exists within the mouth and transforms the sugar sucrose into lactic. Though this type of microorganism is regarded as useful, it may trigger teeth plaque and teeth corrosion if your dental cleanliness is not so good. Much like acidophilus, this microorganism keeps out yeast infections and damaging Streptococcus and Staphylococcus traces.

The bacteria within the intestinal tract additionally assist in creating a strong immune system; over fifty percent of the human body's immune system tissue is found in the lining of the small intestinal tract. The microorganisms are released from your body on a daily basis and restored without leading to illness.

Epidermis Microbes
Propionibacterium acne and Staphylococcus epidermis are a couple of microbial species that are usually found on the pores and skin. Propionibacterium acne reside off essential fatty acids as well as the natural oils released from the follicles of the skin. Staphylococcus epidermis is usually not harmful, with the exception of the situation where individuals have a diminished defense system or permanent catheters. Both of these microorganism types may cause contamination, acne breakouts, or oral plaques if they are not kept under control; however they also keep out more harmful form of microorganisms. Getting rid of these types of colonizing varieties completely would leave an individual susceptible to more serious bacterial infections.

Staphylococcus aureus can also be located on the pores and skin of some individuals, though more frequently within the nasal area, yet will not result in illness except when there exists a crack in the skin that it could enter in.

Men and women take in air and consume harmful microorganisms each and every day. Without the presence of regular oral and intestinal tract bacteria, illness would be a great deal more frequent and extreme. Medication essentially results in the depletion of the intestinal tract bacteria, which can leave an individual vulnerable to additional bacterial infections. This also happens when conventional medical creams or ointments are utilized excessively on your skin. However the total consequences are still not yet recognized.
To reverse the consequences of antibiotics and contamination within the bacteria of your body, probiotics came into use in the 1990s. Microorganisms are being put into food items such as natural yogurt, which is on its own a live microorganism environment. These bacterial cultures in yogurt are anticipated to assist in immune system reactions and digestive function.


Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and
Organic Environmental Technology.
Find out more about Beneficial Microorganisms
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Environmentally Friendly Products.