Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Top Eight Places Germs Thrive

The Top Eight Places Germs Thrive

By Clifford Woods

The Top Eight Places Germs Thrive
At first glance any house can look like it is thoroughly clean and free of germs. However you need to be aware that there are eight major places germs like to live and multiply. Viruses and bacteria that are likely to gather in these places not only make a house significantly less clean, but may also have a negative impact the health and wellness of your family.

This is usually by means of allergies and respiratory system problems in addition to the fact that germs are constantly attacking your immune system if they are left unchecked.

Below are the top eight areas where germs thrive; find and eliminate for a cleaner and healthier home.
  1. The bath is a key place for germ build-up. Clean that ring around the drain after every bath with an all-natural solution and a quick spray of white vinegar to help destroy mold spores and germs.
  2. Kid's toys carry a ton of germs given that they are handled by children's dirty hands and often put in their mouths. Have young children get into the routine of regular hand washing of their toys or opt for toys which can be put into the dishwasher or washer machine for regular washing.
  3. Hand bath towels are another big area for bacteria in your house. It is great to keep in mind that you should wash hands regularly, yet drying them with a moist, bacteria-filled towel defeats the purpose. Go for non-reusable guest towels for drying your hands or change bath towels on a daily basis.
  4. Sponges, especially old ones, come with tons of germs. Despite the fact that sponges are used to assist in keeping food preparation and cooking areas thoroughly clean, it is believed that a kitchen sponge houses at the very least a quarter of a million viruses per square inch of surface area. Sponges must be properly sanitized every day by placing it in boiling water no less than three minutes or put into the dishwasher every single day.
  5. The garbage disposal in your sink has a germ population that exceeds the toilet, surprisingly. The plastic stopper is a key area for concern and should be cleaned at least once a week using a solution of bleach and water. Your kitchen tap is another problematic spot for germ development, as a result of any food pieces or dirt that sticks to the metal screen on the faucet meant to aerate the output of water. You can easily take off that screen at least one time per week and rinse it in bleach, allowing for the tap water to pass through it for a few minutes after putting it back on the faucet.
  6. The container for your dirty laundry is a major location for germs in your home. Needless to say, never put clean and unclean laundry into the same holder. Wash clothes, particularly underwear, in the hottest level of water possible.
  7. Any vacuum that relies on a bag to gather dirt and dust will act as a major holding center for germs. The dark, unclean, and often damp ecosystem within a bag that's twenty-five percent full is the ideal reproduction site for germs. Make sure to switch out vacuum bags regularly and do it outside the house. Choose vacuum bags offering antibacterial coating.
  8. The last top place for germ growth in the home is the front door mat made to help household residents and guests alike from brining dirt indoors. However, unless a homeowner completely washes the mat on a daily basis using a cleaner of some kind, shoes that are wiped on it will bring all kinds of bacteria right back onto the floors of your home.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology
Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Environmentally Friendly Products

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Signs of a Clogged Septic Tank

The Signs of a Clogged Septic Tank

By Clifford Woods 

The Signs of a Clogged Septic Tank
A blocked septic tank can be considered one of the most frequent persistent challenges for property owners who have a septic system. A block might occur in the pipes leading to the tank. Even though, in many instances a clocked up septic system could very easily be avoided, it continues to be one of the most notable complications. 

Although there are numerous forms of system failure, the most prevalent problem is clogging of the drain field brought on by ignoring to adhere to the three to five year pumping routine. Anytime sewage backs up onto the backyard or if the drains within the home become slow, it is advisable to first look for a block in the system. 

Indications of Blockage A clog could be particularly challenging to repair depending on where it is located. If it is in the distribution lines, then the pipes may be jetted with high force water pressure and unclogged fairly cheaply; however, in the event the actual soil in the field has ended up clogged, then more extreme steps must be taken, such as the very costly chance of entirely replacing the unit. 

Below are a few basic symptoms of a clogged septic tank that will help you determine if there is a problem that needs to be addressed: 

Potent Odor A nasty or awful odor is among the most obvious indications of a problem. A blocked system stops the liquid from being soaked into the ground of the drain field and stopping the cleanup process as a result. With a backlogged field line, an over deposit of liquid is sure to take place, and when there is a buildup of liquid, it has simply nowhere to travel except to the surface of the backyard or right back into your home.

Sluggish Showers and Toilets A blockage in one of your sinks, toilets, or showers can suggest that there is a simple indoor block in a drain pipe that is close to the specific fixture. Alternatively, it can signify that there is an obstruction even further down the system. Because the septic tank is water-tight between your house and drain field, a clog will result in drains inside your home to become sluggish or entirely obstructed.

High Liquid Levels Within the Tank One of the most effective ways to find out if there is a significant blockage in the septic tank would be to have a specialist actually glance at the septic system. If the liquid ranges of the tank appear to be unusually high, then there is most definitely some sort of obstruction within the system.

Dirty Filter Find out where the filtration system is mounted then check to see if it’s blocked. The filter inhibits clogging substances from getting out of the tank and finding itself further down the pipe where it is even more challenging to get rid of. For those who have a filter and the septic tank becomes blocked, the filtration system should be one of the initial areas you need to be taking a look at.

Damp Yard Basically, all the indications go together. The most popular indication of a blockage within the drain field is liquid coming up to the surface of the yard. Unless there's been a great deal of rainfall recently, this sign is extremely significant and should require an instant call to a septic system expert. 

To aid with the unclogging of a septic system, as well as to keep one in top shape, a probiotic septic solution with beneficial microorganisms would be a wise product to look into. This type of solution can save you hours of headaches along with a ton of expenses you would be spending on repair in the future. 

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Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology
Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services
and Organic Environmental Technology
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Environmentally Friendly Products

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Risks of Mold Contamination

The Risks of Mold Contamination

By Clifford Woods 

The Risks of Mold Contamination
There are key health problems that come with mold growing in your house. Having mold of any form in your house puts yourself and your family in danger of becoming sick. Therefore, any problems with mold need to be addressed with immediately. 

There are steps that should be taken when you are working to eliminate mold in your house; however there are a few things about the health problems related to mold that you should know about. There are a few main medical problems that can arise with mold contact like includes allergy symptoms, bacterial infections, and poisonous consequences because of mycotoxins; the poisonous stuff produced by fungus. 

Allergies and Mold
Allergy symptoms can show up in the respiratory system. Symptoms can range from infection, wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and sneezing. They could also show up as cold-like conditions like a runny nose, itchy eyes, and sore throat. In some instances skin break outs, throbbing headaches, and tiredness occur as allergic reactions to mold or mold spores. Because of the fact that many of those symptoms can be identified as signs of other problems, it is not hard for a mold issue to be ignored.

Just realizing that these allergic irritations can be caused by mold allows you to be more observant to possible mold concerns in your own home. If a certain part of your body becomes irritated, it may not be an allergic reaction but instead you might just be sensitive to the mold which can lead to inflamed lungs, nose, throat, eyes, and skin. Either way, the mold needs to be dealt with as soon as possible; if it is present. 

Mold and Infections
Infections due to mold are often observed in people with weakened immune systems since they are more susceptible to the harmful toxins. Mold spores have the ability to begin developing in the lungs of people that have weakened immune systems from simply inhaling them. However even healthy people can have yeast infections or athlete's foot triggered by mold. Every single person is at risk of the dangerous effects of mold. 

Mold spores in the house 
Mold spores have genetic material in them that allows them to self multiply, so after they stick to a moist surface they continue to multiply at a rapid pace. Mold can attach to most damp surfaces; from wood to wallpaper paste and so forth. Mold is extremely durable, enduring and flourishing throughout intense conditions. When mold thrives in large amounts you can easily see and smell it.

Mold generally go unseen
Now that you understand what mold has the ability to do and the health consequences of it, you now have to figure out how to get it out of your home. Depending on the level of your mold invasion, your only option may be to make contact with professional mold removers that can correctly and thoroughly remove the mold and make sure your house is dry in order to avoid additional mold development down the road. 

At times the mold is stuck in places you would not think to look in, which is one more reason to get expert support. If mold is hiding inside your drywall, it is likely that you will never know. Since mold is self-preserving and can multiply on its own, you do not want to leave any behind.

Safety precautions when dealing with mold
If the mold trouble is one you know is small and you want to deal with it on your own, be sure to use protective measures such as hand protection, face masks, as well as full body apparel which can be thrown away in order to avoid additional mold growth.

Guarding your skin and the respiratory system is essential for good health.

Use a natural cleaner on the mold and be certain to safely disinfect the region to eliminate any mold spores you might have forgotten. After that make certain the area is entirely dry. 

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The Risks of Mold Contamination

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Environmentally Friendly Products

The Right Way to Get Your Grass Looking Good

The Right Way to Get Your Grass Looking Good

By Clifford Woods

The Right Way to Get Your Grass Looking Good

Does the lawn seem healthier and even greener over in your neighbor's yard? In that case, you may simply need a couple of lawn care tips to get green grass that'll be the highlight of your home and community.

Here are some tips:

  1. Unwanted pests and parasites will decimate your lawn and transform it from a gorgeous, luxurious green to an unsightly and dead brown color. You can buy solutions at your local home garden store or yard care store to get rid of unwanted organisms before they wipe out your lawn. Try for the organic and non-chemical solutions.
  2. Weeds are a frequent foe of a green lawn and should be curtailed in order to make your yard healthier. There are many solutions available on the market eliminate crabgrass, dandelions, along with other widespread weeds that choke your green lawn and reduce its luster. Above all, you must figure out what kind of weeds are giving you trouble. After that, getting the right solution to obliterate them is an easy step. The internet and your local lawn care specialists can help with this.
  3. Water balance is vital in keeping your yard green and healthy. Supplying sufficient water will promote good growth and maintain the liveliness of the grass for a long time to come. It is advisable to do gradual, gentle soaking type watering as opposed to fast and rough watering; which will just wash away the top soil rather than allowing it to soak into the roots below. Make use of a sprinkler that provides a slow, mild sprinkling.
  4. A green yard will need to have nutrients for strong and healthy roots. Yard fertilizers should be put on in line with the manufacturer's directions to prevent over fertilizing. An excessive amount of fertilizer will ruin a lawn in the same way that not fertilizing a lawn could keep it from becoming healthy and green.
  5. Use a solution created specifically to help your grass grow green and healthy. There are a number of great environmentally friendly products that are made to help lawns stay healthier and greener without harmful chemicals. Look for a probiotic solution that offers beneficial microorganisms to help establish a healthy balance of the ecology of the soil. When vegetation dies, beneficial microorganisms in the ground break them down and return them to the organic-rich soil.
  6. Figuring out what grass grows the very best in your environment is crucial in establishing a healthy lawn. Many lawn suggestions concentrate on which kind of grass develops best in your region. Seek advice from your local nursery for the kinds of grass that is best to plant in your area or look online for grass zone maps to assist you to choose the kind of grass seeds to buy.
  7. Making use of a mulching lawn mower does not only help your lawn become greener, it will also limit the quantity of raking and bagging you will need to do each season. Grass clippings have nutrients in them that will help you preserve a green lawn; providing only that they are not too heavy. To ensure they are not too heavy, mow your lawn frequently and do not let the grass get too long.
  8. Understanding the proper way to cut grass is also important in keeping a yard green and healthy. Cornell University offers a number of suggestions for ideal cutting such as when to mow, precisely how high to cut your lawn, as well as the ideal time of day to mow your grass.
  9.  Keep pets off of your lawn. Along with ripping up your yard with their natural habit of digging and running around, urine is not beneficial for a lawn.
  10. You should never forget about your yard throughout the autumn and winter seasons. Lower the elevation of your mower to help keep the grass from getting an excessive amount of new. Ensure that you carry out your autumn fertilization and provide your yard with a great soaking before the soil freezes.
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The Right Way to Get Your Grass Looking Good
Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental TechnologyWe brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Natural Organic Solutions.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Basics You Need to Know About Composting

The Basics You Need to Know About Composting

By Clifford Woods

The Basics You Need to Know About Composting
Reasons You Should Look into Composting
Recent research shows that the typical household tosses out around two hundred pounds of natural kitchen waste each year. Add to that the grass clippings, leaves, and various other natural garden waste materials gathered over time, it really is quite a bit of household waste that we are getting rid of when we could be putting it to good use instead. Those of you who garden or regularly take care of your lawns know the fairly expensive price of fertilizer. 

A typical gardener's annual fertilizer expenses will not hurt your wallet too much, however when you can get fertilizer free of charge from the material you dump it definitely looks more expensive than it should be. Composting benefits both your finances and the environment and it is extremely simple to undertake.

Gathering the Materials
A compost container, bin, box, or a wide-open area to place an open compost pile. Inexpensive plastic-type composters and compost containers are available from most garden stores and based on your needs, are rather low-priced. A plastic-type compost bin is normally the least expensive while wood composters are often more desirable inclusions in your garden but a bit pricier. 

 An open pile can also be a choice, yet you should have some form of cover such as a tarp for colder temperatures. One of the best ways of fermenting is by means of anaerobic fermentation. This method prepares the waste in less that half the times of traditional composting techniques without the unpleasant smells. There are popular indoor composting systems that provide this type of fermentation. 

Where to Put Your Compost
Regardless of whether you buy a composting container or create your own composter, for the outside, you have to ensure you have a flat, properly drained area in your garden. Compost containers must not be placed on cement, decks, and so on as you need to permit the bugs, worms, and organisms that assist degradation of your waste products the freedom to move into and out of your pile easily.

On top of that, select an area that fits your environment. Heat and humidity will help the composting procedure along much faster, so put your composter in a location that gets a fair amount of sunshine and protection from the blowing winds, if you reside in a colder environment. If you live in a warmer region then make sure you provide your composting unit with shade in order to prevent it from becoming dry.

Which Can You Compost?
Basically all of your natural home and backyard waste materials are eligible for composting however, there is some exclusion. What you should especially stay away from are meat, seafood, bone fragments, fatty acids, cheese, milk, droppings, and oils. Furthermore, while weeds and plants can be included, it is recommended to dry them out and remove the seeds prior to including them in the composter.

How Long Does Composting Take?
This will depend on the total amount of things in your compost pile, the weather conditions, as well as the length of time you can spend on the task. If you wish to take an active approach to your composting then you can certainly have a completely composted pile in just three months, however if your only wish is to get rid of kitchen and garden waste in a far more eco-friendly manner then it will take six months to a year, sometimes much longer.

It is possible to enhance the rate of the composting progression in both instances by, for instance, putting in composting worms or by making use of an activator in order to accelerate the procedure. The inclusion of a bit of soil from time to time or horse manure will add beneficial microorganisms to accelerate the composting progression totally free. 
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Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology. 

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms and offer Natural Organic Solutions

Starting a Successful Organic Garden

Starting a Successful Organic Garden

By Clifford Woods

Starting a Successful Organic Garden
Organic gardening is preferred these days and works incredibly well. Organic gardening is dependent on getting rid of any artificial solutions, such as fertilizers and insect sprays. Usually, this kind of gardening gives you lots of products plus makes use of everything grown.

For example, feeding depleted soil with composted vegetation, or perhaps growing legumes which increases nitrogen for the plant and boosts nutrition. The bigger picture involves doing work in cooperation with the natural environment and watching a garden as a small portion of the natural ecosystem.

If you plan on starting an organic garden of your own, be sure to take a look at the tips below for some helpful suggestions that may be of use.

Test the Soil If you are planning for abundant products from your natural gardening, then examining your soil is the initial requirement. You can analyze the dirt through do-it-yourself examination kits available at all community stores. Make use of a number scale to identify the alkalinity and acidity of the soil.

For raising vegetables, the most efficient number is 6.5. When the soil is very alkaline or acidic, your plant life is not going to get the advantages of organic nutrition and will take longer to be ready to harvest. Make an effort to become familiar with the soil; this will enable you to modify the soil by means of balancing the amount of vitamins and minerals deficiency that may be present in the soil.

Before you begin cultivating an area, take a look at your yard and choose where you want to start your organic garden. Location is an important thing to take into account, as you need to be aware of the movement of the sun throughout the day as well as surface rockiness, ground drainage ability, and the how far the water source is from the planned garden location.

If high quality land can be found in your yard and you have an ideal gardening spot, then you should make the most of it. Healthy and balanced soils have nearly six hundred fifty million microorganisms in a single gram of land. The creatures like worms as well as others are already present in the ground which is certainly important for your plant development.

This will enable your garden to prosper because they will have beneficial minerals and vitamins. You might want to pick up a probiotic garden solution to help add beneficial microbes to your garden for optimal growth.

If you do not have sufficient garden space then you can try indoor garden, container garden, or sign up for a local neighborhood garden.

Organic Seeds 
You can find great organic seeds at any nearby nursery, yard shops or Internet seed suppliers, along with seed catalogs to help you determine what seeds you need.

Make sure the seed business is certified as an organic provider and stay away from any kind of seed products that are genetically modified. If you would like to cut costs, try and grow seeds inside and transport seeds outside when they are sprouting.

Compost is a key factor in natural gardening since it boosts the soil health of your lawn. Compost must have a good supply of nitrogen, microbes, potassium, and phosphorus for excellent plant growth. This also helps in treating the ground dampness levels and pH balance in order to keep the soil cooler in the summer season.

Water preservation, cropping, and recycling are the most effective approaches for natural vegetable farming. You can reuse rainfall which will help to conserve the ground water level. You may use a soaker hose to carry the water directly to plant roots while leaves stay dry which helps prevent sickness. Using water from home sinks, baths, and washers is not recommended in organic gardening.

You can find this Free eBook on Organic Gardening Here

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services
and Organic Environmental Technology

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms and offer Natural Organic Solutions

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tips for Handling Foul Smelling Clothes

Tips for Handling Foul Smelling Clothes

By Clifford Woods

There are several reasons why your laundry may smell strange even after washing it. These causes may be:
  • You threw wet materials, such as a towel or dishcloth, into your clothes pile and left it there too long before washing. It is best to hang up wet items to dry out before throwing them in your clothes pile or hamper.
  • ou left damp clothes in the washer for too much time, typically overnight, before transferring the load to the dryer.
  • There is a problem with the washer, particularly if it is a front end loader. Typically a buildup of soap scum is the issue. To clean it up, start an empty cycle with hot water and two cups of bleach. 
Tips for Handling Foul Smelling Clothes

Look in the tub to see if you have any accumulation. If so, wipe down clean with bleach and water.

For front end loaders specifically, check out the rubber door seal and if it is nasty then wash it clean with bleach water.

Tips on How to Eliminate the Smell
If dealt with immediately, washing clothes once or twice is normally all that is required to get rid of the odors. If this does not work and you still have an odor problem on your hands, try out one of these simple techniques below:

Hot Water
When trying to eliminate potent odors, it is important to work with hot water. Odors suggest that bacteria may be responsible, so employing hot water to wipe out the source needs to be the very first step in an attempt to eliminate odors from clothes for good. 

For minor to average odors, just run the normal wash cycle with hot water. On the other hand, for strong odors it can help to have the clothes soak in hot water for about ten minutes, no longer than that, before draining the water and continuing with a normal hot water cycle.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is an excellent laundry solution if you are attempting to deal with unsightly stains or if you want to gently lighten whites. Additionally, it is also great at getting rid of smells. Simply include a quarter of a cup to your typical wash load in order to counteract most body-odor odors. 

If your clothes have an extremely nasty body odor smell, consider making a baking soda paste by simply adding half as much water to the amount of baking soda you desire. Apply it to the places where the odor appears to be coming from. Once the paste is in place on the clothes, just toss it into the washer with the remaining portion of your dirty laundry.

Organic Odor Control Solution
An all-natural product made up of beneficial microorganisms is a completely safe way to eliminate odors. A series of natural processes occur to not only mask the foul smell, but get rid of the main source of it entirely.

How to Remove Stains and Mildew from Clothes

Below are a few techniques that may help take out stains and mildew:
  • Squeeze the juice from a lemon directly onto the affected area(s) and then sprinkle with salt. Allow it to dry in the sunshine. Wash in the laundry like normal after the solution has dried.
  • Apply a special paste created by combining two teaspoons of water, one teaspoon of powdered chalk, along with two teaspoons of powdered soap. The areas should be thoroughly rinsed and dried in the sunshine soon after application. This will have a bleaching effect on the clothes.
  • Make use of a combination of mild soap, salt, lemon juice, and powdered starch. Rub the solution onto both sides of the material and let the sun take care of drying it.
  • To get rid of mildew from garments, saturate in buttermilk overnight and wash like normal. 

clifford woods
Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services 
and Organic Environmental Technology.

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms and offer Natural Organic Solutions

Several Helpful Methods of Eliminating Car Odor

Several Helpful Methods of Eliminating Car Odor

By Clifford Woods

Several Helpful Methods of Eliminating Car Odor
What can you do if the bad smell in your car just will not go away? Since there are so many odor eliminator tips, tricks, methods, and products to choose from, it can be quite confusing. There are countless reasons as to why the odor may have started in the first place, though you probably already have that answer in mind.

The important thing is to figure out just how to get rid of the stench. Here is a list of the most popular car smell removal tips that appear to work the best. 

Somewhere on this list below you can probably find something that can help you get rid of the odor in your car.

Some Methods for Removing Car Odor Organic Odor Removal Product: Among the first things you can do to get rid of the bad smell in your car is to purchase an organic odor remover that is made up of beneficial microorganisms. This type of solution uses a natural approach to attack and consume odor producing substances in nearly every single environment.

Put Up an Air Freshener: The most common and easiest way of lessening the minor odors from a car is by using a traditional dangling air freshener. This simple car stench hider is normally just a bit of cardboard sprayed with fragrant oil. Hang one of this type air freshener on your rear view mirror to allow the fragrant oil from the cardboard to fill up the car.
The only problem with this solution is that it is only good for minor smells.

Clean All of the Car's Surfaces: Wipe down every single glass, metal, wood, and plastic surface area in your car. Warm water will work okay for this, however you could use a gentle cleaning detergent for almost all surfaces, leather-based cleaning solution for leather seats, and glass solution for glass.

Your neighborhood car shop will also offer you interior car cleaner. When you are cleaning the outside, and if it is very hot out, make sure to keep the doors and windows open to let the airflow else it will be hot and smell bad inside.

Clean the Interior of Your Car: Begin by just removing every little thing out of your car. Get rid of any trash and put everything else somewhere out of the way. Next, check with the car's handbook for suggestions about which cleaning solutions are safe to use in it, or simply speak with someone at your local auto parts shop.

Vacuum the Car: The material in a car takes hangs on to the odors of every little thing, such as the scent of people, animals, smoke, food, trash, and so forth. Begin by brushing out the carpeting to loosen all dried up substances so that they will vacuum up with ease. Yank out all of the floor mats that you can, shake them out intensely, and vacuum them. Then vacuum your car's carpet completely, and seats too if they are fabric.

Fragrance to Help With Odor within Your Car: Acquire these items in the cooking section of your local markets. The very best are generally vanilla extract and essence of mint. Get some cotton balls, place a few drops of vanilla extract or mint on them, and then put them in your car.

Steam Clean Your Car: Use a suitable machine to steam clean your carpet, and cloth seats if you have any. Make sure to use only clean water and change it out often, wringing out all extra water while you clean, so there is never water gathering in a vehicle. 
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clifford woods
Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services 
and Organic Environmental Technology.
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms  and offer Natural Organic Solutions

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Septic Tanks: What is Causing the Gas Leak?

Septic Tanks: What is Causing the Gas Leak?

By Clifford Woods 

From time to time, homeowners make a complaint about smells coming from their septic systems. While most of the people know that sewage has a specific smell, actions can be taken to reduce these smells both in the home and the backyard.

Fumes from an onsite septic system can also pose a health risk as well. These fumes consist of dangerous gases that you have probably heard of like methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide. Inside a house these smells can be bothersome and poisonous.

In a backyard they are not generally present in high levels to be harmful, however they are still a hassle and do smell foul. There are many areas that can be affected by septic tank odors. 

These include:

  • Close to a Pre-Treatment System
  • Inside the Home

Below, is some information on each of these that may be helpful. 

Lawn Odors
If your backyard generally smells of sewage, then it might be that the plumbing vent pipe on the house or a neighbor’s home has to be expanded to eliminate the smells. Houses found in low areas, valleys, or forested locations might not exactly have the proper air flow to transport the smells away from dwelling locations and the backyard.

As a breeze blows across the home, the air flow currents which are meant to transport the gases upward and away may alternatively bring the septic fumes into the yard or back into the home. Extending the vent pipe will help reduce and eliminate the smells by transporting them away from your lawn and home.

Odors Near a Pre-Treatment System
There is an increasing use of pre-treatment products in onsite waste treatment systems. The most popular pre-treatment products are aerobic treatment devices. In the event that an odor is consistent close to one of these pre-treatment systems then an authorized onsite specialist educated to keep up with the particular unit model needs to be contacted as soon as possible.

Smells Inside the Home
Septic smells within the home tend to be rather unpleasant and can become a health concern as time passes. Odors within a home are usually a sign of a plumbing-related problem. An extremely frequent problem is the trap in a basement floor drain becoming dry which would enable fumes from the septic tank to travel back into the house.

This is often fixed by ensuring that all floor drain traps are regularly full of water. Furthermore, the clean out entry plug in a drain might be unfastened which might enable septic fumes to escape. Another frequent problem has to do with the plumbing vent found on the roof. The pressure within the drain pipes need to balance as sewage runs through them.

Without this vent your toilets, tubs, and sinks would gurgle. When traps dry up smells leak into the house. All these plumbing vents can get cold and freeze shut for the duration of extended wintry periods or may get clogged with foliage or various other debris. A comfortable couple of days will unfreeze the iced pipe; however leaves will have to be cleaned out manually.

Make sure you always follow the proper safety measures when working on a slick or steep roof top. A third popular concern is an incorrectly enclosed cover on an ejector pump basket in your downstairs room. The cover needs to be examined and a brand new seal will have to be placed on in order to protect against leakages.

While investigating the exact reasons for the odor, you can use an organic odor control product in the meantime. Look for one that mentioned "beneficial microorganisms" as this is the most effective type to use against odors. After the source has been fixed, use the solution as recommended until the odor is gone once and for all. 


Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology
Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services
and Organic Environmental Technology
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms and offer Natural Organic Solutions

Monday, February 3, 2014

Remove Mold Rust and Odors with Organic Cleaning Solutions

Remove Mold, Rust, and Odors with Organic Cleaning Solutions

By Clifford Woods 
Remove Mold Rust and Odors with Organic Cleaning Solutions

Organic cleaning solutions, along with the benefits they provide, can be viewed as the best home cleaning tool. Similar to other cleaning products, organic cleaning solutions are made to get rid of the mess in your home and in the workplace. Mold, rust, and mildew are only a handful of such problems. If undetected or ignored, harmful bacteria will grow which can result in health problems and serious diseases.

This is where organic cleaning solutions play an important part in household maintenance. Don't just choose a product that states it's the most powerful or the best, as these are most likely chemical-based cleaners that can actually do harm to your health as well as the environment.

After using standard chemical-based products, the toxins within the cleaners can continue to remain on objects and surfaces since they do not dissolve easily. Even the removal of them can bring about the release of additional contaminants into the atmosphere. The more significant threat is that they can get into your body simply by mixing with water and air, which could eventually lead to severe health problems.

On top of all this, chemical-based products can cost quite a bit. After everything mentioned above, you definitely don't need any more reasons to switch to organic solutions. Even though there are environmentally friendly options available at the store or online, you might already have all the ingredients you need right in your own kitchen. 

With that in mind, take a look at these below and use them as you wish to clean your home, naturally.

Metal, a major cause of rust, exists in just about every part of your home. Therefore, this implies that rust can develop practically anywhere. Even so, it is possible to prevent further rust destruction if you can treat it without delay. Nothing is better or safer than using an all-natural rust remover. What you need to do is to scatter salt on to the rusted area and then apply lemon juice.

Allow the solution to sit on the affected area for a few minutes and after that just scrub it off with a brush or wipe vigorously with a scrubbing rag.

The restroom is one of the most regularly visited areas of your home. Being an area that you use for your own personal hygiene care, it should also be clean. This means you have to get rid of one of the major health risks of all bathrooms; mold. You can create a solution to use out of vinegar along with an organic cleaning solution that contains beneficial microorganisms.

Apply it directly on the mold and mildew for thirty minutes to one hour. The acidity of the vinegar will certainly eliminate most of the molds and will prevent the development of new ones.


When you are at home, you want to be in a fresh and clean environment, not one that smells just like the locker room at your local gym! Apart from protecting against allergies and contaminants, a clean smelling room generally implies that the area is clean.

The simplest way that you can reduce odors is to place fresh flowers in a container. Another simple method is to produce a combination of essential oil and water, and then just spray it in every room of your house.

But, what you really want to do is remove the source of the bad smells. With all-natural cleaning products found in your home and purchased organic solutions with beneficial microorganisms, your house will be cleaner than most people and will not have any harsh chemicals floating in the air.

Aside from keeping your family and environment healthy, organic cleaners are much cheaper than and it is said, much more effective than the chemical-based ones.
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Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services
Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services
and Organic Environmental Technology
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms and offer Natural Organic Solutions