Organic Solutions for Lawns
By Clifford WoodsKeeping your lawn as beautiful as you can get it means that you either spend thousands of dollars in chemicals that have the potential of making you, your family or your pets sick or you can move to a more natural way so that you don’t effect the soil below or anyone that is in your family.
Even the most beautiful lawn can have some issues but there are real solutions you can take so it comes back to its beautiful and natural state. There are solutions to every single lawn issue if you are willing to pay attention to them.
The first problem common to all lawns no matter if they are organic or not is the ever present weed, and they can be very hard to get under control. If you use chemicals you could not only get rid of the weeds but you can also burn and destroy your grass as well.
For a more natural and organic solution for your lawn, you will need to discover what kinds of weeds you have growing.
- Clover: the best thing to do is to pluck them out by hand and then add compost to the areas you've plucked and then add fresh grass seeds so that you eliminate the bald spots in your lawn.
- Pesky flowering dandelions: unfortunately you have to get at their root systems to destroy them completely but there is a very easy tool for the job. First you remove the flower heads before they turn to seed. If you let them seed then you will be looking at future generations in your lawn. So pluck the flowers and then use a dandelion weeding tool to get to the roots. The best way to prevent them from ever sprouting in your lawn is to apply corn gluten meal in the early spring and you will have yearlong protection against them. This is a great organic solution to these really pesky flowers that might be good in salad but not in your organic lawn.
- Crab grass: this is the toughest one to get rid of and it usually sprouts up because you've cut your lawn too short and given its seeds a chance to actually grow. You will have to dig the plants out totally, before they seed themselves and then plant your natural grass seeds in their place. The only way to prevent this from happening is by keeping your lawn mower on its highest setting and keep on removing the patches of crab grass that keep popping up and reseed as needed, as this will truly help you have a lawn solution that works.

No matter who you are or where you live there are organic solutions for lawns by just maintaining them and really paying attention to the organic solutions that are readily available in your area.
You can get some beneficial microorganism and spread that on your lawn to really get and keep it organic. This will keep your lawn beautiful and your family, friends, neighbors and pets healthy.
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Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology.
You can find out more about Organic Solutions for Lawns at
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Environmentally Friendly Products.