Gardening Organically – Your Best Gift to the Environment
By Clifford WoodsOrganic gardening, unlike what majority of people perceive, is quite simple. What it means is not introducing chemicals or synthetic products like fertilizers and pesticides into your garden.
Yes, that's it, it is that simple. Most people who have pets and kids perhaps already garden this way to keep their family safe.
If you are ready to have your own organic garden or are new to gardening organically, you will be amazed to see how some really simple techniques can help you raise a bright and colorful garden that will be lively and beautiful all year long.
The best way that you can start even before you till the soil in your garden is by generating your own organic compost. You may buy a composting container for that purpose, especially if you live in a place with limited space or if you are worried about the smells that might come from the heap. Organic compost can be considered as one of the prime requisites of organic gardening.
Some of the best things that you can feed your compost with are things like grass clippings straight from your lawn and dried leaves from trees around your neighborhood or in your own yard. You can also use kitchen scraps, but stay away from meat, milk, and yogurt, because they will give off an awful stink and also could attract animals if you live in an area that is known for garbage eating animals.
Once you have your own organic garden thought out and have your compost all ready and waiting, you can get started. You might not realize, but the environment gains a lot with these organic gardens. You can till the soil in your garden and mix your compost into the dirt, which will give you a fantastic base in which to start growing your organic garden. This can be any kind of a garden that you want it to be, populated with flowers, bright plants, trees or even vegetables for your family.
Some people might be concerned about how to get rid of pests that come to the garden without using chemicals, but it's really simple if you know what you are doing. You can get organic pesticides, but if you really want to keep it even simpler, without any extra sprays, then the first thing is to keep your plants as healthy as you can.
Pests are usually only interested in sick and decaying plants and not the healthy fresh plants. Therefore, if you really want to keep the bugs away then keep your plants as healthy as you can get them. You can also introduce things like ladybugs into your organic gardens, as they do minimal damage on their own and they love to eat specific types of pests off your plants.
If you are careful about gardening organically and really pay attention to what is going on in your garden, then you can really stave off the pets and sickness that might plague your garden.
Don't become discouraged if you do get sick plants or bugs in your garden; there is always help out there. You just need to know where to look; a search on the Internet is a great place to start.

Author: Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology
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