8 Ways to Clean a Bathroom Using Baking Soda
By Clifford Woods
Cleaning and disinfecting an area requires you to eliminate the bacteria living on it. The issue is that most of the solutions that remove dangerous germs tend to be dangerous. Of course you would like to make sure your restrooms are totally free of bacteria since many of them may cause health problems.
To deal with bacteria without chemicals, you will have to look into organic solutions. It is very likely that you already own such a solution without even realizing it. Baking soda is an ingredient that can be used to wipe down every surface in your bathroom. It cleans just as well as chemical-based products and is one hundred percent risk free. Below are the top eight areas where baking soda can be used in the restroom:
Shower Curtains Thoroughly clean your shower curtains by scattering baking soda over a sponge and scrubbing hard. Rinse off well. If there is a mold stain on the shower curtain, it can be handled with by quickly rubbing in a water and baking soda paste. If your shower curtain is in really bad condition, take it off and throw it in the washer on the cold cycle, putting only baking soda and vinegar as the detergent.
Counter-tops Scrub marble areas with a composite made from white vinegar and baking soda. Wipe thoroughly clean and then polish.
Floors Wash a bathroom floor with of half a cup of baking soda to a container of warm water. Mop the tiles using this remedy and rinse off. Incorporating lemon or lime juice into the rinsing water can give it a nice refreshing smell.
Grout Work with a baking soda and water paste to get rid of mildew spots on the grout all around your bathtub or shower. Put on the paste and wash it away with a brush until the spot is completely gone. Make sure to rinse the area thoroughly.
Toilets Once per week, you need to pour about a half cup white vinegar right into the toilets of your home and allow it to sit for thirty minutes. After that, put some baking soda on the toilet bowl brush and clean off any leftover tarnished areas. When done, flush.
Trash Cans Scatter baking soda into your bathroom's trash can right after you empty it. This will assist with eliminating potential odor.
Drains Just like your kitchen drain, you need to take care of your bathroom and shower drains as well. Once weekly, raise the drain cover in the bathtub or shower and use a cotton swab to get rid of the hair which has built up there. Then dump a half cup of baking soda accompanied by one cup of vinegar down the drain. Allow this solution to sit for twenty minutes and then rinse the drain with scorching hot water.
Showers and Tubs If the bathtub or shower is made of fiberglass, wash it simply by spreading a blend of dish washing liquid and baking soda on it and scrubbing with a sponge. Additionally, the exact same mix will help get rid of hard water and rust spots on porcelain tiles. Spraying the edges of your shower and tub with white vinegar can release accumulated soap residue.
In addition to baking soda and the natural ingredients mentioned above, an all purpose natural cleaner with beneficial microorganisms will also help in the cleaning your bathroom.
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Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology
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