The Natural and Organic Lawn
By Clifford Woods
It really isn't a secret any more – organic means healthy above and beyond any alternative. The subject of lawns is certainly no exception to the rule either as it has been proven time and time again beyond all reasonable doubt that organic lawns given only 100% natural treatments and preparations are in turn 100% healthier and safer than their chemical-enriched counterparts.

Why Go Natural? There are dozens of benefits to insisting on 100% naturally fed lawns, though among the most crucial are the following:
- As Nature Intended – Mother Nature never intended lawns and gardens as a whole to be doused with man made chemicals, therefore how can you expect lawns treated in such a way to be as healthy as naturally fed lawns? Exactly – common sense would dictate that you cannot and this is the absolute truth of the matter…period.
- Known Content – Buy a 100% organic fertilizer or make your own compost and you can rest assured that you know each and every ingredient used to create the substances you will then be putting on your lawns. On the other hand, buy a synthetic or chemical product and chances are most will not understand a word of the composition list, so how on Earth can you be sure what you’re even using in the first place?
- Family Safety – Following on from the above, if you cannot say for sure what you are putting on
- your non organic lawns, then how can you be sure whether or not it will be safe for the use of pets or children, for example? While no chemical lawns can be 100% guaranteed as non-toxic and harmless to kids and pets alike, while those doused in chemicals cannot.
- Bigger Picture – Drenching lawns in harmful chemicals is bad enough, but what few seem to realize is what happens to these harmful chemicals once the rain comes and washed them away. In truth, they can end up in any number of rivers, streams and water supplies to create health and safety problems for animals and human beings.
The list goes on, but basically encompasses each and every one of the largely common sense reasons why fully organic lawns are infinitely more desirable in every way. It needn't involve much of an additional investment in time or money to insist only or organic, therefore why expose the household as a whole to unnecessary harm?
Summary: This article discusses the differences between the fully natural or organic lawn and those on which chemical treatments such as pesticides are used. It calls into account the dangers for the household and the environment alike, while weighing up common sense matters such as costs.
Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
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