Saturday, December 29, 2012

Chemical Free Schools

Chemical Free Schools

By Clifford Woods

You’d like to think that any environment in which kids spent most of their waking lives would be near enough 100% chemical free and therefore as safe as possible. Sadly however this has proven not to be the case as according to the results of recent studies, an alarming number of schools across the Western World are still packed to the rafters with harmful products and toxic chemicals that stand to cause untold damage in those most sensitive to harm. 

Wall-to-Wall Dangers: If a person was to actually have free run of a school for a couple of hours, chances are they would be in for quite the surprise as to how many chemicals and toxins are present outside the confines of the science labs. 

Committees are still pushing for chemical free schools as the current use of chemicals being used have the potential to do great harm in the years to come. But in the meantime awareness is still crucial. 

So what exactly are children at risk from in such environments?

  • Solvents: Various paints, marker pens and craft supplies that may not have been vetted for safety. 
  • Cleaning Products: Any number of cleaning products used by cleaners and the kids themselves from time to time that haven’t been thoroughly checked for harmful chemicals. 
  • Vinyl: Certain types of vinyl products and supplies have been found to contain dangerous levels of toxins and still perpetuate in schools. 
  • Airborne: Heaters and air-conditioners cleaned, maintained or built with toxic products/components. 

Take into account the above examples along with dozens of others and it can begin to appear that pushing for chemical free schools is an impossible task, but the truth is in fact quite to the contrary. 

Chemical Free Schools

Simple Steps to Chemical Free Schools

In order to protect the health of future generations, it is simply a case of taking small though decisive steps to introduce only natural products in schools and begin ruling out their harmful counterparts. 

There is really no reason to sit back
and accept that there are children at risk.

How to get started:

  1. Rule out the purchase of any further vinyl products, as they may be inherently toxic.
  2. Promote the use of recycled and 100% organic paper products.
  3. Increase trash awareness and promote the use of reusable containers.
  4. Organize discussion groups to air concerns and plan initiatives.
  5. Check all cleaning supplies and immediately replace harmful chemicals with natural and organic cleaning products
  6. Ensure all craft supplies used are 100% safe and natural. 
  7. Eliminate the use of pesticides and chemicals both inside and outside the building.

For example, the use of an all organic dry erase board cleaner for schools
is an excellent step towards a chemical free school

Organic Dry Erase Board Cleaners is a step towards a Chemical Free School

The list goes on to encompass every part of the school where harmful substances may be in use. It isn't a case of trying to revolutionize the whole establishment overnight, but rather to build awareness and take the first steps toward insisting on chemical free schools that are safe for the kids and teachers alike. 

A Clear Choice: Fully natural, safe and organic products for use in schools are not only beneficial to the health of kids and the planet alike, but are also just as effective and affordable as their chemical counterparts. There really is no excuse for accepting anything less.

Summary: This article discusses the idea of chemical free schools, in the context of how chemicals and toxins found in schools currently can be harmful to kids and teachers alike. It brings into account the use of organic and natural products as a safe, viable and necessary alternative for the future.


Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
You can find out more about Organic Cleaning Products at

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Environmentally Safe products

The Value of Clean Ponds to the Environment

The Value of Clean Ponds to the Environment

By Clifford Woods

Environment has remained the most neglected entity in the world throughout history with industrialists and businessmen totally forgetting that they live in a world, which they share with other creatures. This neglect of the surroundings we live in has resulted in severe consequences for us humans in the present day and age, which are going to affect our future generations as well. 

It is for this reason that people nowadays have started putting the environment above everything else. Business corporations and industries have started paying attention to the ecological system and are trying to find out ways to limit the pollution and to preserve our natural resources.

The value of clear ponds to the environment
Why Is a Clean Pond so Necessary? Ponds are among the environments most polluted components. All the polluted water from the factories and industries is dumped in these lakes, which has caused these freshwater havens for many creatures to become unclean and the breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects. 

Thus, a clean pond is not only necessary for providing a healthy environment for useful garden animals like frogs and toads but also for keeping the population of mosquitoes under control.

How to Clean a Pond:  For cleaning a pond, the use of an organic cleaner has proven to be vital for the safety of the other animals living in the pond. An inorganic chemical used as a cleaner can prove to be harmful for the aquatic life that lives there and can severely damage their population. 

Moreover, the use of chemicals also lowers the quality of the water and makes it unsafe for humans as well. Therefore, in order to have a clean pond, it is vital that only the use an organic cleaner should be attempted, as it would keep a pond clean without posing any threat to the aquatic life that lives there. 

Environmental Benefits of Clean Ponds:

A clean pond can be of great value to the environment. Not only does a pond make the atmosphere cleaner and provide water and a breeding place for many animals, it also provides people a chance to enjoy nature in its purest form. 

In addition to this, clean ponds are great substitutes for gardens and since they have no grass they do not need to be mowed every few days, thus they save a lot of electricity that would have been used in mowing the lawns. 

Another great environmental benefit of a clean pond is that its underwater soil is nutrient rich and can be used as natural fertilizer for in-door plants, thus saving a person the need to use chemical fertilizer for nourishing his plants. As the ponds do not require as much water because of their ability to store water from rainfall, they keep the water consumption down and help in saving water as well. 

It is because of these amazing environmental benefits that ponds are considered an important constituent of our ecological system and are of great value to us. Having a clean pond is a blessing for a community or a household as it keeps the natural balance and provides a soulful place for the people to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Therefore, if you want to enjoy the ecological benefits that a clean pond can provide then always remember to use organic cleaners for clean ponds.


Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
You can find out more about Organic Pond Cleaners at

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and sell Environmentally Safe products

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Rancher's Life

The Rancher's Life

By Clifford Woods

A Rancher is a person that runs a ranch full of domestic animals and cattle like cows, sheep and chickens. Sometimes a ranch is also used for breeding rare domestic animals like ostriches and elk as well. The person who owns the ranch is responsible for running the day-to-day affairs of a ranch and has to look out for the animals all day long. 

Ranching is quite a tough business that even though is rewarding is a very physical kind of job. A rancher has to overcome quite a few challenges and difficulties in raising the animals on the ranch. The following are some of the problems that a ranch owner faces in managing the livestock on his ranch. 

Rancher's Helper

Difficulties Faced By Ranch Owners:  The list of difficulties in a rancher’s life is a very long one that involves breeding and keeping up the population of the animals on his ranch. The most obvious difficulty that a ranch owner faces is the physical labor that he has to put in while caring and feeding the animals on his ranch. 

Since a ranch is located on a very big piece of land, the biggest of all ranch troubles is to go around the ranch and provide the fodder for the all animals present there early in the morning even before eating ones own breakfast. Sometimes ranchers have to start the feeding of the animals long before daybreak in order to complete the whole feeding routine in time.

Another of the big ranch troubles that are a part and parcel of a rancher’s life is to take care of the animals. Since the livestock raised by the ranch owner is his life and blood and his source of income too, he has to take care of the animals himself. 

He cannot rely on others to perform this duty, as diligently as he can and therefore, he has to dedicate much of his time in cleaning the animals and maintaining their enclosures so that they do not get ill or contract a disease. This is also a very demanding job that is both physically and mentally exhausting. 

Besides the afore-mentioned difficulties, there are many other ranch troubles that a ranch owner has to go through in order to run a successful ranch business. Thus, a rancher’s life is not an easy one. He has to do a lot of his work with his own hands and has to remain active throughout the day in order to properly take care of the animals on his ranch. 

Value of a Ranch Owner to the Society:

A ranch owner is of great value for a society as he provides for the basic needs of the people living in the society. A rancher goes through all the ranch troubles in order to raise the animals whose meat and other products are then used by the people of the society. 

It is the ranch owner that does all the work behind the scenes that result in the milk being available in stores and the meat present in butcher shops. If it weren't for the rancher, people would have to raise cattle in their homes themselves in order to get their hands on to the basic necessities of life like milk and eggs and meat. Thus, there is no doubt in saying that a rancher’s life is fraught with difficulties. 

However, it is an important job that not only serves the society at large but also is a fun and healthy business, which is quite enjoyable as well.  


Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology
You can find out more about Rancher's Helper at

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins
in the environment and sell Environmentally Safe products

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Natural and Organic Lawn

The Natural and Organic Lawn
By Clifford Woods

It really isn't a secret any more – organic means healthy above and beyond any alternative. The subject of lawns is certainly no exception to the rule either as it has been proven time and time again beyond all reasonable doubt that organic lawns given only 100% natural treatments and preparations are in turn 100% healthier and safer than their chemical-enriched counterparts. 

90 Million Pounds per Year? The trouble is, much of the world has become used to quick-fix and cheap solutions to their indoor and outdoor problems, which has in turn led to a million and one synthetic and chemical products hitting the shelves for use on laws and in gardens in general. 

Organic and Natural Lawn Products at www.effens.comThis in turn has led to a steep decline in the number of strict no chemical lawns across the domestic world as a whole. In fact, recent studies have concluded that up to 90 million pounds of pesticides and dumped on lawns in the USA alone every year, which has the potential to lead to any number of problems both at home and for the environment. 

Why Go Natural? There are dozens of benefits to insisting on 100% naturally fed lawns, though among the most crucial are the following:

  • As Nature Intended – Mother Nature never intended lawns and gardens as a whole to be doused with man made chemicals, therefore how can you expect lawns treated in such a way to be as healthy as naturally fed lawns? Exactly – common sense would dictate that you cannot and this is the absolute truth of the matter…period. 
  • Known Content – Buy a 100% organic fertilizer or make your own compost and you can rest assured that you know each and every ingredient used to create the substances you will then be putting on your lawns. On the other hand, buy a synthetic or chemical product and chances are most will not understand a word of the composition list, so how on Earth can you be sure what you’re even using in the first place?
  • Family Safety – Following on from the above, if you cannot say for sure what you are putting on 
  • your non organic lawns, then how can you be sure whether or not it will be safe for the use of pets or children, for example? While no chemical lawns can be 100% guaranteed as non-toxic and harmless to kids and pets alike, while those doused in chemicals cannot. 
  • Bigger Picture – Drenching lawns in harmful chemicals is bad enough, but what few seem to realize is what happens to these harmful chemicals once the rain comes and washed them away. In truth, they can end up in any number of rivers, streams and water supplies to create health and safety problems for animals and human beings.

The list goes on, but basically encompasses each and every one of the largely common sense reasons why fully organic lawns are infinitely more desirable in every way. It needn't involve much of an additional investment in time or money to insist only or organic, therefore why expose the household as a whole to unnecessary harm?

Summary: This article discusses the differences between the fully natural or organic lawn and those on which chemical treatments such as pesticides are used. It calls into account the dangers for the household and the environment alike, while weighing up common sense matters such as costs.


Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
You can find out more about Organic Lawn Products at

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins
in the environment and sell environmentally friendly products

Monday, December 17, 2012

What is valuable About Composting?

What is valuable About Composting?

By Clifford Woods

Over the course of human history and pretty much as far back as civilization stretches, composting has been used a means by which to grow food and enrich gardens. Sadly however, ever since mass-scale farming took over several decades ago, the practice has declined all over the world and there is less emphasis put on the importance of composting than ever before. 

Organic composting
This is something that simply has to change for the future, and thankfully looks like it’s once again heading in the right way. 

A Rebirth for Composting: Nowadays, people are becoming more and more aware not only of what they are using around the home and the garden, but also what they are putting into their bodies and the effects their actions have on the environment. As such, the idea of composting value has once again become a much discussed point and people are once again realizing just how positive and beneficial this truly ancient practice can be. 

Even the most simple of endeavors like natural composting at home with the use of a single container for food scraps and organic waste is having a massively beneficial effect on the planet, helping to the reduce the need for landfills and other kinds of waste disposal. With the slightest effort, composting can lead to significant cash savings, benefits to health, positives for the garden and a beneficial boost to the environment all at the same time. 

Getting Into the Habit: In order to be effective, those looking to compost at home need to “get into the habit” to a point where recycling their organic waste becomes natural, and not something they actually have to think about. 

To work properly, effective composting at home needs to be part of a "lifestyle" and is an on-going process. Once these habits have been instilled however the benefits are too numerous to count, though include the following among others:

Benefits of Composting:

  • Production of an excellent product to boost the growth of organic fruits, vegetable and herbs at home – guaranteed to be 100% free of chemicals and harmful additives. 
  • A free form of fertilizer that costs nothing – the waste will already be present as a part of everyday life, so why not put it to use?
  • An excellent alternative to use with 100% safety in environments where children or pets may be present. 
  • A simple way of getting rid of refuses and waste from the garden, which may not be allowed in standard collections.
  • A means by which to reduce overall wastage and thus conserve landfill space.

Going about natural composting around the home essentially represents nothing more than common sense. After all, to overlook composting value and continue to throw out perfectly good organic matter only to go and pay good money for compost at the store is money needlessly down the drain. 

Effective composting can be child’s play and there’s no reason not to get the kids involved from an early age and begin instilling good habits for life. That being said, it’s never too late to get started and begin making a difference.

Summary: This article serves as a brief guide as to why any responsible person should consider composting at home for the sake of both the household and the environment at large.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
You can find out more about organic composting at

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment
and sell environmentally friendly products

Friday, December 14, 2012

Natural and Organic Gardens

Natural and Organic Gardens

By Clifford Woods

The use of purely organic products and materials is something that seems to have gone in and out of fashion over the course of time, though is once again heading for a peak. There was a time when organic gardens were in fact the only kinds of garden in the world, as mankind hadn't yet come up with the endless array of chemicals and synthetic compounds we know today.

Organic Environmental Technology - Organic Garden Products
Once these chemicals made an appearance however, this apparent means by which to use a fast and easy quick-fix solution saw fully natural gardens decline and pesticide/herbicide use sky-rocket.

An Awakening: Now however we know that overuse, or indeed any use of these chemical products can be hugely detrimental to health and to the environment as a whole, which has seen interest once again spike not just in gardens, but in healthy gardens of a 100% organic nature.

That being said, there are still thousands of households across every town and village that are yet to realize that this modern way of learning from the past, thereby making it necessary to occasionally remind ourselves as to what makes the organic garden a vastly superior choice.


Right off the bat, feeding and treating plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables with 100% natural and organic products is to treat them exactly as Mother Nature intended. Given the obvious fact that no human being knows as much about nature as nature itself, common sense would dictate that organic gardens tended to in such a way will display the kind of health and prowess their chemical-treated counterpart gardens simply cannot come close to.

Taste:  An extension of the above, it is also no secret why organic products sourced from natural gardens are always significantly more expensive than standard variants in the supermarkets – they are superior in every way. From size to taste to texture to vitamin content and so on, natural and organically grown fruits and vegetables are beyond compare.
Costs:  Any household can begin making its own organic compost of the finest quality with the waste matter is generates every day, so why on Earth would it make sense to visit a store and shell out good money for something inferior? The idea is preposterous and makes no sense whatsoever yet that is exactly what the majority across the US and beyond are still doing even to this day.
Safety:  Another considerable benefit of natural gardens is the way in which they are also naturally healthy gardens for human beings and animals alike. As such, if intending to have kids and pets playing or spending time in the gardens at any time, it really isn't worth taking chances on their health and safety by using harmful chemicals.


Rounding off, everything that gets liberally sprayed or sprinkled on any part of the garden will eventually be reclaimed and find its way back into the Earth, so take second to think how much damage those millions of liters of chemicals are doing to the planet every year.
If this doesn't tell you immediately why you should be favoring organic gardens alone, it really should.

Summary: This article discusses a number of reasons and factors as to why an organic garden is ultimately a superior choice for the household, family and environment alike, when held in comparison to those using chemicals and synthetic products.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
You can find out more about Organic Products for gardens at

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins
in the environment and sell environmentally friendly products

Tuesday, December 11, 2012



By Clifford Woods

Pond Magician contains beneficial micro-organisms which eat toxins.

When they eat the toxins, they give off as a by-product antioxidants and probiotics (a substance containing beneficial micro-organisms) which are very good things for fish, plants, etc.
One very important thing to understand is that Pond Magician is NOT a chemical, nor does it contain any chemicals.
Sometimes you will see little white particles floating around on the top of your Pond Magician. These particles are just one of the ingredients in the product. They do not mean the PM is old or not longer good. Just keep the lid on tight so no air can get into the container as air tends to make these little white particles show up.

You may ask “How do I know if the PM is still good?”
Well, if it smells kind of sweet, similar to soy sauce, it is still good. When it goes bad it smells really bad and you can tell just by smelling the PM if it is still good or not.

The shelf life of Pond Magician is 6 months after purchase. It will last longer than that. If you have a question about your PM, you should smell it. If you have had the PM for some time but haven’t used it. The smell will tell whether it is good or not.

How Does Pond Magician work?

Pond Magician's millions of friendly microbes move through your pond and gobble up the organisms and pollutants that make your pond unsightly and smelly. Different than other pond and lake cleaners which solely treat organic substances, Pond Magician contains both beneficial aerobic (living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen) and beneficial anaerobic (grows and thrives in an oxygen-free environment) microorganisms and therefore can adapt to a wide variety of pond water conditions.

These two categories of microbes team up to eliminate the organic and inorganic pollutants that live in your pond.

As these beneficial aerobic microbes do their work, you get the following benefits:

  • Your pond water will be as fresh and clear as water from a fresh running mountain stream.
  • Your pond fish and plants will be very happy, thriving.
  • Your fish and plants will live longer.
  • Your pond will have a very pleasant "alive and healthy" scent.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of  Organic Environmental Technology.
You can find out more about Effective Microorganisms at

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tips for Natural House and Kitchen Cleanliness

Tips for Natural House and Kitchen Cleanliness

By Clifford Woods

The world is discovering the need for cleaning products which are easy to use and safe for the environment. These natural products can be home-made and even when bought; they are not as expensive as one may have been lead to believe. Use of natural products enables us to protect the surroundings and out families and friends. producers of all natural organic products
Various organizations have realized and are emphasizing house and kitchen cleanliness. The various advantages which are gained, like keeping the water sources free from pollution, is of immense current and future value.

Water is one of the natural elements that we have in abundance around us. It can be used along with vinegar to clean the pipes which drain water away from various parts of a house like the kitchen sink and bathroom. Because of the acidic condition of a mixture like this, one can be assured that harmful microorganisms like molds and even bacteria that sometimes grow in these pipes, are neutralized.

When one is in need of preventing bad odor in the house or kitchen, this vinegar mixture is also an option. This is quite important as it does not pose any sort of health risk to the user and also achieve excellent results when used. Vinegar can be effectively mixed with water and used as a cleaner in the kitchen and bathrooms in the home. This is very much safer than the use of air fresheners which can trigger allergic reactions in people with respiratory type problems. Vinegar also kills harmful microorganisms due to its acidic nature.

Surfaces in the house like sinks or wooden counters can be stained when they come in contact with certain chemicals. One solution to this has been found in the use of lemon water. When used to scrub off stains, it can be quite effective. Additionally, lemon water combined with baking soda has been shown to be very potent in getting results when used to clean off most any kind of stains.

Controlling pests should be done in such as way as to not only eliminate the pests but should not leave behind sort of residue that could adversely effect the respiratory system of a person. Locating all the hiding places of spiders and there webs and getting rid of them and keeping surfaces clean, is a safe way of doing this. Finding their breeding sites is also quite helpful as this removes a whole generation of pest and helps keep a home clean and allergy free.

Cleanliness is also achieved by keeping your household items well organized; pests love a disorganized area – all those lovely, dark places to hide! Old or very rarely used items should be neatly stored or disposed safely, like in a dust bin. Old newspapers and books can be safely kept in boxes for future use. If no longer of value, these should be recycled.

In keeping your home and kitchen clean, it is a requirement to ensure that the air you breathe in is free from harmful particles. Good ventilations and a routine cleaning schedule with the use of natural products and beneficial microorganisms’ helps quite a bit in maintaining a healthy environment. Believe it or not, regular washing and drying of clothes helps keep them fresh and reduce odor in the household.

Cleaning a house can quite a task if things are left to accumulate too much. The kitchen should be cleaned after each meal. It is a lot easier to clean a pot used to cook rise when the rice is soft than when it has been left to harden. Therefore, embrace the need to keep the house and kitchen clean regularly and pay particular attention to the cleanliness of the kitchen and bathrooms all the time, so as to reduce the risk of stubborn stains or bad odor and or health damaging conditions.

When the kitchen is cleaned daily with natural cleaners, the risk to you and your family are greatly reduced!

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
See more info here:

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment
and sell environmentally friendly products.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Handle Mold Spores With Beneficial Microorganisms

Handle Mold Spores With Beneficial Microorganisms
By Clifford Woods

Where mold spores make its way into the home it can contribute to the development of a series of health problems and irritation. The spores will often multiply in certain conditions characterized by warmth, dampness and humidity. The following takes a closer look at mold and the use of beneficial microorganisms in controlling its spread naturally and cost effectively. 

If you notice mold spots on your walls, floors and other surface areas you may be tempted to use harsh chemicals to eliminate these pesky growths; that would be a mistake. Powerful substances can actually cause additional irritation in the home especially for those with allergy and related sensitivities. Making use of natural mold control instead of chemicals can assist in creating a healthy living environment.

Prevention is usually the key. One way to stop these spores from accumulating is to ensure that all areas of the property are kept clean and dry. Should you notice the development of black spots, especially in the bathroom areas, steps should be taken to quickly neutralize any mold spores that may be present. The presence of such spores includes a musty smell, discoloration, moisture, rust and allergy like symptoms.

In the managing of mold one may wish consult with a professional service or implement natural remedies to address the damage. The most common of natural remedies includes a vinegar and water solution to break down and eliminate the presence of these spores. Always ensure that the area is kept well ventilated and that maintenance is implemented so that affected regions remain dry.

If you live in a region where humidity is a problem, making use of a dehumidifier in the home can assist in controlling excess moisture. Citrus seed extract possesses naturally occurring antimicrobial properties to safely and effectively remove mold and mildew deposits. Identifying the areas susceptible to moisture and controlling the dampness in that area can prevent its development in the first place.

Unfortunately in many instances many materials including wood, paper and even linens are susceptible to the development of these mold spores. After a period of time an acid is produced; this can cause stains and corrosions. Some beneficial microorganisms can also be used as a good preventative and control of mold spores.

Making use of substances which are based on naturally occurring microorganisms is not only beneficial for your health, but also serves as an environmentally friendly approach. Tea tree oil is also a common option. A mixture of two teaspoons of oil to two cups of water in a spray bottle, for ease of application, can be very helpful in tackling molds. This mild yet effective alternative can be used on walls, ceiling, floor and other items susceptible to the development of these spores.

Another great recipe is to make use of grapefruit seed extract combined with water to eliminate musty odors as well as any stains that may have developed. It is important to determine methods and remedies that are safe for use in the home. You want to be safe against any adverse effects and be as environmentally friendly as possible. With natural
control for mold and the use of beneficial microorganisms, we can all achieve healthier ways of living and help prevent the development of spores in the first place.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
Find out more about our Organic Mold Remover Product

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins
and offer Environmentally Friendly products.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Saving The Environment Through Natural Products

Saving The Environment Through Natural Products

By Clifford Woods
Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology

It has been a great achievement over the years, to see people embrace new strategies which are meant to conserve the planet we live on. This is quite encouraging mostly with the use of products which are environmental friendly like those that can decompose. Soil, water, air, animals and human beings, make up the environment which need to be maintained in a good shape to ensure that we all enjoy the life and continue to find enough to live on.

The water is quite crucial in our daily lives as well as the soil. This has seen the need to use manure in the process of farming which is quite compatible with the living organisms which live there, unlike harmful chemicals. This is because the chemicals used will often have an adverse effect on the water which people may be drinking downstream. Therefore, even in controlling the pests on a farm, it is good to control them creatively and naturally; like through use of wood ash.

Driving has become quite common and this has led to excessive production of harmful gases in the environment. This has brought on board the use of unleaded fuel which will produce less poisonous gases. This has helped to keep the ozone layer safe and thus no ultra-violet rays coming through to earth.

Power production is yet another area where there is need for people to be aware of needed improvements. This is because scientists have already discovered means of producing energy through friendly ways like the use of solar gadgets. The type of power is quite simple and supplies a lot of energy without a huge bill as well. Through this, the production of electricity generated in a certain area will reduce and thus curb the risk of gases being released into the air.

It is quite important for a person to use the public transportation as much as possible instead of always driving a personal car. Harmful gasses are thus reduced as a number of people are using one single vehicle like a bus. Use of a train is also quite helpful as it uses electricity which poses a lesser risk to the environment than fuel.

Creative ways of cleaning has been discovered and thus people are in an advantageous position of being able to use less harmful products. This is in the case of natural products which are manufactured with the idea of conserving water or important microorganisms they may come into contact with when being used. Some herbs are also used to clean surfaces and these can kill harmful organisms like bacteria.

The awareness of the need to use power in a manner that does not lead to wastage is on the rise. This is where people are informed on the various power-saving ways like switching off bulbs which are not in use or florescent tubes which save on energy usage.

Recycling is another great idea which has come into its own and is getting a lot of positive attention, all in the direction of saving the environment. When papers, plastic bottles and other household items like plates are reused, we all save a lot of resources.

Use of environmentally friendly products should be given much more attention by one and all. We all live on this planet and the better we take care of it, the better our children and grand children’s lives will be.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
Find out more about our Organic Products at

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins
in the environment and sell environmentally friendly products.

Friday, November 30, 2012


Rapid And Natural Odor Control With Beneficial Microorganisms (BM)

By Clifford Woods

From livestock farms, commercial establishments to homes, bad odor is a common problem. Instead of masking the smell, it’s more important that the very source of such bad odors is completely eliminated. Odor control with Beneficial Microorganisms is something that can provide a rapid solution. It’s also an approach that is cost-effective and friendly to the environment. As beneficial microorganisms do not contain any harmful chemical, using it won’t hurt humans, animals, plants or the environment. 

organic odor control at www.effens.comBeneficial Microorganism is made up of millions of friendly bacteria. Basically, what they do is eat up microbes that are responsible for the unpleasant smell detected by ones nose. When BM comes into contact with the source of bad smells, the problem is eradicated.  In short, it is gone and does not require constant covering up.

Some of the beneficial microorganism bacteria can thrive even in environments where there is little or no oxygen present. Because of this, BM is very effective no matter what the condition is. Other than being more affordable compared to other deodorizing solutions, the application is also very simple. Spray it where needed or pour it onto the source straight from the bottle.

It works in an entirely different way than your usual deodorizer. Instead of covering up the smell with fancy fragrances, friendly bacteria present eliminate the microbes causing the problem. Furthermore, BM helps in speeding up the decomposition of the material which releases the stench into the air. But the benefits offered by this approach don’t stop there. Pathogens present which can spread diseases are also prevented from thriving in BM rich environment.

Without relying on harmful chemicals, the planet can stay healthy and natural. BM contains nothing that cannot be found naturally in the environment. Do take note that it’s not something that is chemically synthesized or genetically modified. The friendly bacteria present are cultured ones that won’t damage or harm anything, except for the microbes causing the bad odors.

Beneficial microorganisms are capable of eliminating all sorts of odors, including ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. It also doesn’t matter if the problem is indoors or outdoors. Thanks to the regenerative bacteria that enhance the power of each other, the effect of BM can be long-lasting too. Livestock farmers use BM to effectively get rid of the stench in the enclosures for their animals. More

and more composting facilities and waste water treatment plants choose to go the natural way. Medical facilities, restaurants and other commercial establishments rely on it for both the deodorizing and sanitizing benefits offered

Homeowners who like a deodorizing solution that is friendly to the environment and pocket go for Beneficial Microorganisms. It may be applied on any type of surfaces, from concrete to fabrics. Because it’s not harmful to humans, it’s perfect for use in the kitchen or wherever bad odors and stench can be found in the home, inside or out. It’s also safe for use in areas where pets are kept, offering safe, and rapid and long-lasting odor elimination.

Odor control with Beneficial Microorganisms (BM) is a solution that is all-natural. It’s the perfect way to eliminate nasty odors as well as speed up the decomposition of its source, but without harming the environment. As a proof that it’s 100% organic and safe, it’s also being used by agricultural industry to enhance soil quality, as well as for food fermentation.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
To see more info on organic odor control visit us at

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and sell environmentally friendly products.


Controlling Algae Naturally in Your Pond

By Clifford Woods

You have two choices in dealing with algae in your pond and that is with chemicals or naturally.

Chemical methods are fine if you there are no living creatures or plants in your pond because algaecides and chemicals will kill any and all life in the water. Normallly chemicals would be used in a swimming pool or perhaps outdoor fountains, any water feature that does not have plants and or fish in them.

The natural way works with Mother Nature, not against her. You could use plants and fish, or good bacteria that would create and maintain a healthy well balanced ecosystem.

Algae itself is a plant, it needs nutrients and light to grow so when you add plants to your pond they directly compete for the nutrients available. Add enough plants and you naturally minimize the nutrients available to the algae.

Over feeding your fish: Fish food that is not digested by the fish is the main pollutant in many ponds. Fish eat many things in the pond and that includes algae. Too much food for the fish increases waste and provides nutrients that feed the algae. When the algae goes on an over population bloom reduce or eliminate feeding until it is under control.

Reduce sunlight penetration: Cover at least half of the surface area of your pond with plants. Water that is not covered is much more difficult to keep in balance than ponds filled with beneficial plants.

Add bacteria: healthy colonies of bacteria found in Pond Magician are a crucial part in ensuring a naturally balanced pond. When cooler water temperatures are present add more and during the warmer months add less.

Keep the water moving: pulling water from one end of the pond and then filtering it before it returns at the opposite end will greatly improve water quality. Oxygen is added to the water as it is circulated.

Create a run off or add a drain tile: Water run off from lawns and surrounding gardens can overload the pond with nutrients and that is not good for the life in your pond. 

Manually take out the dead and decaying  plants and their leaves: Decaying leaves and or plant debris will also create excess nutrients in your pond.  Skimmer are by far the most efficient and easiest way to keep your pond free of debris.

Water change: A partial water change (10-30%) every month or month and half may also help reduce excess nutrients in some situations.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
To see more info or to purchase Pond Magician visit us at

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and sell environmentally friendly products.

Maintaining Healthy And Clear Aquariums With Beneficial Microorganisms

Maintaining Healthy And Clear Aquariums With Beneficial Microorganisms
By Clifford Woods
Your fish tank requires regular cleaning if you want to keep the water sparkling and everything that's swimming in it alive. It also helps keep bad odor at bay which can easily fill up the room. It's a good thing that individuals who love viewing aquatic animals at home can enjoy healthy and clear aquariums with Beneficial Microorganisms, or BM for short.

BM for fish tanks come in liquid form. Just like what the name reveals, it consists of millions of beneficial bacteria. Each of them works synergistically, which means that one enhances the job rendered by the other. Together, they eliminate microbes that are responsible for the acceleration of water pollution and the production of bad odor.

Although it is said that there are over 80 types of bacteria present, all of them can be classified into five groups. They include lactic acid bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria, actinomycetes, yeasts and fungi. EM contains microorganisms that can live in environments with oxygen as well as in areas where the gas is absent (aerobic and anaerobic respectively).

It's not just water in the tank that benefits from the use of BM, but also all the other living organisms in it. This means that both the fish and plants can stay healthier in an environment that is more suitable for their existence.

For home owners, BM spares them from the back-breaking task of having the water and everything else in the tank cleaned regularly.

Taking advantage of BM is as simple as pouring the right amount of liquid in the water on a monthly basis. Ideally, you have to add an ounce of it for every 10 gallons of water. No mixing or any other special preparation is necessary as you pour it into the fish tank straight from the container. It's a good idea to make sure that it is evenly dispersed in the water.

Whether your fish tank contains fresh or salt water, BM helps in providing your aquatic animals and plants a healthier and cleaner environment. Do take note that this product is not genetically or chemically produced. It's 100% natural and organic. This means you are not adding anything into the water that can be harmful to any living organism found in it, except for microbes that contribute to water pollution, bad odor and even diseases that affect marine life.

The many other uses of BM serve as proofs that it's very safe. It's being utilized by organic farmers to enrich and improve the condition of soil, leading to better agricultural productivity. Cheese, bread, beer, yogurt, pickles and other fermented food items are also made possible because of it. BM is used for sanitizing medical facilities, as well as for cleaning sewers and oil spills. It is useful in eliminating bad odor and preventing the spread of diseases in animal industries and zoos.

It's easier to maintain healthy and clear aquariums with Beneficial Microorganisms. Pollution and bad bacteria that contribute to a poor environment for fish and plants can be eliminated on a microscopic level. It's good for fish tanks containing several gallons of fresh or salt water, as well as ponds that can be really difficult to keep in an excellent condition.

Once you follow the simple guidelines to healthy and clear aquariums with Beneficial Microorganisms, everything else comes easy. The health of your fish will be improved as the water quality is much better. This also implies that you have less work to do in terms of dealing with issues such as disease and infections.

Depending on your schedule, always set a date at least every month to siphon any debris from the gravel. This will ensure that your tank is sparkling clean. You will worry less about your fish with Beneficial Microorganisms.

Given the mentioned facts, it would be much easier to maintain healthy and clear aquariums with Beneficial Microorganisms. The general guidelines should help you during the initial stages as you will learn more over time and get acquainted with more detailed requirements.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
See more info visit us at

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and sell environmentally friendly products.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Taking A Quick Look At Composting And Effective Microorganisms Or EM

by Clifford Woods

Traditional procedures for making compost takes anywhere from 1 to 2 months. However, these days there is something widely available that can help reduce this process into just 3 weeks.

Thanks to composting and Effective Microorganisms (EM), improved soil condition and ultimately agricultural productivity need not take a very long time to be enjoyed.

Reasons why the use of compost is highly beneficial vary. Primarily, its addition helps enhance the health and fertility of the soil. It contributes to the improvement of the types and amount of microbes present in the soil, valuable in more ways than one. Ecological risks are also reduced as the use of synthetic fertilizers hazardous to the environment is eliminated.

Because it enriches the soil and enhances its quality, agricultural productivity is improved. It is said that EM is being utilized by organic farmers in over 150 countries worldwide, and its effectiveness is backed up by a lot of scientific investigations. This approach actually relies on a liquid culture of certain microbes that are known to be "facultative anaerobic organisms".

In layman's terms, these are life forms that can live in conditions not only with normal oxygen levels present in the air, but also when there are low levels of the gas available. These organisms present in EM are also known as "fermenting microbes". The name alone reveals that they are also responsible for fermentation process, necessary for making bread, cheese, yogurt, salami, beer and many others. The liquid culture needs to have the right blend of microorganisms to work.

Yeast, lactic acid and photosynthetic bacteria are the main groups of microscopic life forms that are major role players. There are also some other wild ones added into the liquid culture. With the right facilities and raw materials, the creation of this popular organic fertilizer is not impossible. However, it can easily be purchased from various manufacturers.

The fact is Effective Microorganisms is a trademark of the EM Research Organization, Inc; In the US as well as in other countries. However, there are many other similar products readily available to organic farmers. While for sure there are numerous excellent ones out there, it's also not unlikely for rip-offs to be around that may yield less satisfactory results.

Scientific researches have found that the use of EM can provide many other results than just improving the soil's quality and health. It has been found out that this organic compost is valuable in helping crops beat diseases such as botrytis. Protection against weevils and other commonly encountered stressors by farmers also help ensure the well-being of plants.

Bokashi is made up of Effective Microorganisms.
The Composter allows you to compost indoors without all the mess and odors.

It's easy to see why composting and Effective Microorganisms can be beneficial to one's agricultural productivity. There are also many other wonderful EM uses around. They may be used for cleaning polluted water and cleaning sewers. Organisms present are helpful in sanitizing medical facilities and dealing with oil spills. As mentioned earlier, it is used for fermenting purposes, allowing for the production of many fermented
food products. EM is also known to be highly effective in controlling insects, as well addressing odor and preventing certain diseases in animals.

We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Environmentally Friendly products