Tips for Handling Foul Smelling Clothes
By Clifford WoodsThere are several reasons why your laundry may smell strange even after washing it. These causes may be:
- You threw wet materials, such as a towel or dishcloth, into your clothes pile and left it there too long before washing. It is best to hang up wet items to dry out before throwing them in your clothes pile or hamper.
- ou left damp clothes in the washer for too much time, typically overnight, before transferring the load to the dryer.
- There is a problem with the washer, particularly if it is a front end loader. Typically a buildup of soap scum is the issue. To clean it up, start an empty cycle with hot water and two cups of bleach.
Look in the tub to see if you have any accumulation. If so, wipe down clean with bleach and water.
For front end loaders specifically, check out the rubber door seal and if it is nasty then wash it clean with bleach water.
Tips on How to Eliminate the Smell
If dealt with immediately, washing clothes once or twice is normally all that is required to get rid of the odors. If this does not work and you still have an odor problem on your hands, try out one of these simple techniques below:
Hot Water
When trying to eliminate potent odors, it is important to work with hot water. Odors suggest that bacteria may be responsible, so employing hot water to wipe out the source needs to be the very first step in an attempt to eliminate odors from clothes for good.
For minor to average odors, just run the normal wash cycle with hot water. On the other hand, for strong odors it can help to have the clothes soak in hot water for about ten minutes, no longer than that, before draining the water and continuing with a normal hot water cycle.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is an excellent laundry solution if you are attempting to deal with unsightly stains or if you want to gently lighten whites. Additionally, it is also great at getting rid of smells. Simply include a quarter of a cup to your typical wash load in order to counteract most body-odor odors.
If your clothes have an extremely nasty body odor smell, consider making a baking soda paste by simply adding half as much water to the amount of baking soda you desire. Apply it to the places where the odor appears to be coming from. Once the paste is in place on the clothes, just toss it into the washer with the remaining portion of your dirty laundry.
Organic Odor Control Solution
An all-natural product made up of beneficial microorganisms is a completely safe way to eliminate odors. A series of natural processes occur to not only mask the foul smell, but get rid of the main source of it entirely.
How to Remove Stains and Mildew from Clothes
Below are a few techniques that may help take out stains and mildew:
- Squeeze the juice from a lemon directly onto the affected area(s) and then sprinkle with salt. Allow it to dry in the sunshine. Wash in the laundry like normal after the solution has dried.
- Apply a special paste created by combining two teaspoons of water, one teaspoon of powdered chalk, along with two teaspoons of powdered soap. The areas should be thoroughly rinsed and dried in the sunshine soon after application. This will have a bleaching effect on the clothes.
- Make use of a combination of mild soap, salt, lemon juice, and powdered starch. Rub the solution onto both sides of the material and let the sun take care of drying it.
- To get rid of mildew from garments, saturate in buttermilk overnight and wash like normal.
Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services
and Organic Environmental Technology.
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms and offer Natural Organic Solutions